2009. február 23., hétfő

taking the first steps

This is the first time I write a blog so its difficult to start as a beginner but I hope after few publications I will reach a higher level with more experience. I was thinking a lot about the topic or the field I want to deal with, and I got an idea to share my ideas about how to write or what are the importnt features of the successful writing. Maybe its a good choice because of the manner of a blog where other people can also comment, agree or diagree and hopefully share their observations with me acquired during the years.

I think a writer needs an inspiration because the things can only be drawn perfectly when they are lived trough. For example when you see something on the bus while travelling home from the school you have to write it down immediately because you risk to lose the moment so better take notes and try to summarize it home with the help of the key words written down in one of your exercise books if nothing else wasnt at you on the bus. An authentic work can only be created when you experience the thing. When you deal with love you need to be in love, when you deal with saddness you should have had a tragedy just before and when you deal with happiness you have to be in a mood when you want to shout loudly that the World is beautiful. Today I was in a mood when I wanted to write a blog :)
